Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Life embodies friendship, compassion, happiness, sorrow, love and pleasure

Life embodies friendship, compassion, happiness, sorrow, love and pleasure
Each man has inside him a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving a great deal of what it is the world needs most. It is not complicated, but it takes courage for a man to listen to his own inner goodness and act on it. Do we dare to be ourselves? This is the question that counts.
“I am convinced that human nature is basically gentle, not aggressive. And every one of us has a responsibility to act as if all our thoughts, words, and deeds matter. For, really, they do. Our lives have both purpose and meaning.”
“Compassion is what makes our lives meaningful. It is the source of all lasting happiness and joy. And it is the foundation of a good heart, the heart of one who acts out of a desire to help others. Through kindness, through affection, through honesty, through truth and justice toward all others we ensure our own benefit. This is not a matter for complicated theorizing. It is a matter of common sense.

1 comment:

  1. Bailout Scandal - What the Government Don't Want You to Know

    I was against the bailout of Wall Street since there were plenty of signs leading up to the crisis and they should have taken steps to prevent this crisis.

    We were, in short, bamboozled by the very financial institutions that we placed our faith and money into, and like most of you, I'm feeling… well, a little short changed. I, too, was shocked and angered when Congress and Bush authorized the $700 billion TARP Bailout of the Wall Street banks and AIG. I wondered just how these conservative ideologues of free market capitalism could justify saving this group of corrupt and failed managers. Where was the oversight of these “trusted” institutions of finance? What have they done to our pension fund investments and just where did all of those billions go? They didn't just evaporate from the face of the earth did they? These funds were lost due to negligence by the very people we trusted.

    When these financial institutions reaped billions in profits did they pay additional monies than required to the treasury? The answer is no, then what is the justification of a bailout. They are treated like the elite privileged institutions while the rest of the nation suffers. “This is our Democracy in action”.

    Last week, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, forced the Federal Reserve Bank to reveal the other side of this scandal. On December 1 of this year, the Fed made public that along with the TARP bailout, they loaned some $9 trillion in 21,000 transactions to banks and major corporations when the credit markets froze.

    These “secret, backdoor bailout” loans went to the likes of Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase & Co, as well as to General Electric and Harley Davidson, to name just a few, there are many more. This information is available at, if you want the details.

    What really astonishes and angers us is how the Federal Reserve Bank can front these trillions of dollars to the very ones who are taking our money and now won't lend it. Instead, these very same banks are foreclosing on the homes of millions of Americans while millions more go unemployed and credit is still frozen for the vast majority of small businesses. This while the lending rate to these banks is near zero percent. Is it any wonder that the so-called recovery hasn't made it to Main Street yet? It is a phantom recovery, no tangible facts or actions. These very same financial institutions keep manipulating the stock market and make billions. If you consider that the dollar is worth 35% less than 3 years ago, you will realize the stock market has not advanced at all.

    I wonder what would happen if for just one day or 2 days out of the month “we the people” just stopped depositing “our money” into their banks? Stopped investing in the stock market for 5 days.

    I am reminded of that cult-classic film, Network, in which the fictional character Howard Beale gets on TV News and goes into his rant, “I mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore”! He then encourages his viewers to get out their pots and pans and scream out into the night with this cacophony and mantra. Oh if life were more like fiction or perhaps pretended for one moment that it was... It is time we the people demand what is expected from our elected officials.

    Then again, we are beginning to wonder what intrinsic value the real greenbacks have when our monetary systems can so easily be gamed and manipulated like a Vegas Ponzi scheme.

    Perhaps the words, “In God We Trust,” needs to be enlarged on our money certain nearsighted bankers, for it appears that we are losing faith in the Federal Reserve's guarantee that our money holds a value as anything other than “illegal tender” for an elite group of institutions that are guaranteed not to fail under any circumstances, while others collapse.

    Let us go back to be a producing nation, create something and bring jobs back to our country.Compiled by: YJ Draiman
